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Training & Behavioral Specialists


Experienced. Helpful. CERTIFIED believes it’s never too late to teach an old pet (and its owner) new behaviors. Our tailor-made services are designed with you and your pet in mind to ensure results. We believe in working as much with you as with your pet. Our goal is to provide long-lasting impact through expert counseling. has many years of experience in supporting pet owners to make the needed changes in their pet’s habits.  Call us today to make your first appointment.


Success Stories

I was fortunate enough to meet Meredith while she was walking another dog. Myles instantly fell in love with her and she with him. Every day she would send the most professional looking pictures (seriously) to let me know my boy was doing well. When Myles died, she was the first one there to cry with me. Then i adopted Ziggy and things were a bit different. He is aggressive and does not like new people. She came by every day until he got more comfortable with her. He adores her so much that when we moved and she came to visit, he was overjoyed like I've never seen him. Yelping and jumping all over the place. I was kinda jealous. We had Jay work with him to help lessen the aggression, they both ended up working him & Ziggy went from violently attacking Jay to not even paying attention to him. I am so grateful for what they've done for my babies and as a result, call them friends.


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